NYA Action Fund
is a national partnership grant between the National Youth Alliance for Boys and Men of Color (NYABMOC) and the Alliance for Educational Justice (AEJ) named in honor of Niya Kenny and the #AssaultAtSpringValley 

The NYA Action Fund seeks to support Youth Justice Corps (YJC) activities and youth-led organizing that are led by boys and men of color, their sisters and families that advance our #EndWarOnYouth National Demands that include: 
  • #AssaultAt- support youth-led actions and campaign activities that defund,demilitarize and dismantle police in schools. 
  • Restorative Justice Now!- support youth-led actions and campaign activities to win justice re-investments in restorative justice and a divestment in the criminalization of Black and Brown children.
  • Education Democracy- support youth-led actions and activities to end privatization and advance community control of schools 
  • Education Is A Human Right- support youth-led actions and campaigns activities to insure education agencies comply with UN Human Rights on Education and/or recommendations from the UN Working Group on People of African Descent

  • Individual organizations or groups of AEJ membership organizations can apply for funds in one or more of the areas for joint YJC actions.        
  • The action or activity can be local/state or national impact and must be completed by March 31, 2017
  • Grants requests should be between $1000-$5,000 
Deadline to APPLY is December 31, 2017
For questions, email AEJ National Coordinator, at Jonathan.AEJ@gmail.com
